Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Coordinators - Main part of the 65th Session (September - December)

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127. Financial reports and audited financial statements, reports of the Board of Auditors
Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim El Shinawy (Egypt)

128. Review of efficiency
a. Proposed programme budget outline 2012-2013
Mr. Bruno Brant (Brazil)

b. Procurement, including JIU reports on “Offshoring in the UN” and “Environmental profile of the UN”
Mr. Danilo Rosales Díaz (Nicaragua)

129. Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011
a. ICT and ERP/Umoja, including ICT strategy and role and responsibilities of CITO; DRBC; and IPSAS
Mr. Craig Lim (Singapore)

b. Conditions of service: ICJ, ICTR and ITY Judges
Mr. Paul Ballantyne (New Zealand)

c. Capital Master Plan
Ms. Shannon White (Australia)

d. Questions relating to the Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 –

130.Programme planning
Mr. Jorge Peralta (Spain)

132. Pattern of conferences
Mr. Babou Séne (Senegal)

133. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the UN
Ms. Sirithon Wairatpanij (Thailand)

134. Human resources management
Ms. Nicole Mannion (Ireland)

136. United Nations common system
Ms. Claudia Corti (Argentina)

137. United Nations pension system
Mr. Javad Safaei (Islamic Republic of Iran)

139. Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services
Including the annual report of the IAAC
Mr. Josiel Motumisi Tawana  (South Africa)

140.Administration of Justice
Mr. Carlos G. Ruiz Massieu (Mexico)

141.142.Financing of ICTR and ITY
Mr. Paul Ballantyne (New Zealand)

144.Financing of MINURCAT
Ms. Rita Grünenfelder (Switzerland)

148.Financing of MONUSCO
Mr. Omar Castañeda (Guatemala)

153.Financing of MINUSTAH
Mr. George Orina (Kenya)

157.Financing of UNMIS
Ms. Carmen Ávila (Panama)


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